Meet Kate Lynch

In 1997, I began what would become a lifelong career in the criminal justice system by working as a domestic violence victim’s advocate. This experience inspired me to become a prosecutor so that I could further pursue justice for victims. I then worked as a probation/parole officer while in law school, which helped me appreciate the importance of accountability while understanding that people are always capable of change.

In 2007, I accepted a job offer from Yamhill County District Attorney Brad Berry as an entry level deputy district attorney. For ten years, I prosecuted cases at all levels.  I began with misdemeanor cases, then moved into juvenile court, followed by prosecution of serious felony crimes including child abuse and homicides.

In 2017, I was promoted to my current role as Chief Deputy District Attorney, where I serve as the Chair of both the Yamhill County Multidisciplinary Child Abuse Team and Sexual Assault Task Force.

It is an honor and privilege to have spent the last seventeen years working as a deputy district attorney for our community, most of which have been dedicated to victims of child abuse and other serious felony crimes. I strongly believe that everyone has a right to feel safe, and that every victim of crime deserves a voice in the criminal justice system. As Yamhill County’s District Attorney, I will continue to pursue justice for victims by holding offenders accountable in a fair and equitable manner.

Bradley C. Berry, Yamhill County District Attorney
Sam Elliott, Yamhill County Sheriff
Greg Graven, Interim City of Yamhill Administrator
Jeff Kosmicki, Chief of Police
Kevin Martinez
Matt Scales
Julie Siepmann, Juliette's House